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Frische genießen | Savoring the Garden

Season 3 | Episode 7 (Kevin)

Der deutsche Bassist, Toningenieur und Tourmanager Kevin besuchte die Smaragdstadt zum ersten Mal und erfreute sich an den einfachen, aber kraftvollen Aromen von Seattles lokaler Küche.

Kevin war einer von fünf Reisenden, die im Rahmen der 3. Staffel der Serie “Seattle First Takes” die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Klänge, Strukturen, Düfte und Geschmacksrichtungen von Seattle erlebten.

German bassist, sound engineer, tour manager and first-time visitor to the city – Kevin – delights in the simple but powerful flavors of Seattle’s locally grown cuisine.

Kevin was one of five real travelers who experienced the sights, sounds, textures, smells and tastes of Seattle in the 3rd season of the series, “Seattle First Takes.”

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Kevin’s ‘First Take’ Journey

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The Sound Hotel Seattle Belltown

  • Address: 2120 Fourth Avenue, Seattle WA 98121
  • Neighborhood: Belltown
  • Phone: (206) 441-7456
  • Website: thesoundhotelseattle.com

Pan Pacific Seattle

  • Address: 2125 Terry Ave, Seattle WA 98121
  • Neighborhood: Downtown Seattle
  • Phone: (206) 264-8111
  • Website: www.panpacificseattle.com

The Westin Seattle

  • Address: 1900 Fifth Ave, Seattle WA 98101
  • Neighborhood: Downtown Seattle
  • Phone: (206) 728-1000
  • Website: westinseattle.com